And finally, spring has sprung!
Other than too much cool weather, April was a great month here at the legion. Thanks to all who attended the Garth Brooks Tribute on April 18, as well as the Highly Strung Ukelele performances on April 28. It is always great to see so many come out and enjoy the entertainment while supporting this vibrant legion we have here in Canmore! Our success is due to all of you, who know and support what the legion has to offer in our community, as well as to our Veterans who have gifted us our freedom in this wonderful country we live in.
May promises to be a busy month, starting off with a bang for your buck, at the Lions Garage Sale on May 5. Times run from 9-2 so beat the crowds and bring your wallet!
On the evening of May 12, the Critters will be performing. This is always a fun, well attended night so buy your tickets early at the legion.
For those of you that have Gold, Silver and Coins that you may want to sell, we have Terry Burrill returning on May 15 and 16. He will be here from 930 Am till m_id afternoon to assess your treasures and fill your pockets!
And for those of us that have a few items to sell from our Spring cleaning (that I am sure we have all completed), the Legion will be having our annual Garage Sate on May 26. Hours will be 10-3, rain or shine. Please call the Legion at 403-678-4200, to book your tables for 10$ each.
To finish off this this months newsletter, PINKY’S DINER would like to express their gratitude for your patronage and support. Though their kitchen is small it is mighty, but not mighty enough to handle last-minute large groups that have not given them a call to book and confirm the numbers in advance. Please know that they need notice of a week for groups over 20, and at least 48 hours for groups between 16-20. If advance notice is not given they will not be prepared or able to serve you the wonderful food they are known for.
Remember Friday Night Bingo and Thursday night Poker, both starting it 7 PM.
Lastly… would be wonderful to see more members come to the next General Meeting on May 15, at 7 PM prompt. Please know you are welcome to get involved in YOUR legion!