Hello Comrades, February 2019
February already!! What do you think of winter so far? We’ve had it far too easy! So hold on to your hats over the next few months!!!
Well, the year got off to a great start at the Legion with the New Years Eve party by the ELEKTRIC SQUIRRELS and THE GIRL. What a great night, thank you guys.
Following on from that we had our annual ROBBIE BURNS SUPPER that was well attended and hosted by yours truly and Piper MICHAEL WEAVER. A huge THANK YOU also to the MOUNTAIN CLURAN HIGHLAND DANCERS. These girls are amazing and really bring a bit of Scotland to the event. PINKYS DINER served a superb meal as usual and the service by the girls was excellent, thank you all ladies.
So, for this month we are hosting a SUPERBOWL PARTY on Sunday 3rd Feb. Kick off between the RAMS and PATRIOTS is 4.30pm I believe so wear your colours, come and watch the game with us and enjoy a drink or two!
Staying on SUNDAYS remember that POOL is only 50 cents so come on down you pool players there are three tables, so you are sure to get a game!
March dates for your diaries, 6th DAVE McCANN & his band with our own LORI REID!
20th a Celtic theme with KNACKERS YARD from Victoria. There should be something for everyone there!
Remember, Bingo on Fridays at 7.00pm and free Texas Hold ‘Em Poker is every Thursday at 7.00pm.
The next General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th Feb. at 7.00pm prompt please try and attend. I would like to remind members that if they wish to be nominated for next years Executive, they have to attend a minimum of three General Meetings PRIOR to the first nomination meeting which is October. They must also be a paid up member of good standing. They will also be required to attend one of the nomination meetings or send a letter of intent to the Executive.